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Items filtered by date: Juli 2014

IN THIS BULLETIN: Validator Manager 4.3.2 (Beta release), PIPS 2.3.1, DA3 SMART Update Tool - Euro €10 version 2.1 released & the new NV9 USB+.



Published in Technical Bulletins
Montag, 28 July 2014 11:51

Placement to permanent

Placement to permanent ... In the latest ITL Working Life Blog meet Graduate Electronics Engineer, Jonathan Nadin who after completing a yearlong Industrial Placement with us in 2012/3 has now completed his Masters in Electronics and returned to ITL as a permanent member of our UK Development Team. Read the full blog at http://itlblog.wordpress.com/


Jonathan (“Jonno”) completed a yearlong Industrial Placement with us 2012/3 before returning to university to complete his Masters in Electronics. He has now returned to ITL as a permanent member of staff joining the UK Development Team. I initially came to ITL on a twelve month Industrial Placement back in September 2012 and thoroughly enjoyed my year at work. At the end of my placement I was lucky enough to gain sponsorship for the final year of my degree and an offer to re-join ITL as a Graduate Electronics Engineer at the end of my degree in June 2014, so here I am.


View this and all other ITL Blogs at http://itlblog.wordpress.com/


Published in News
Donnerstag, 24 July 2014 14:37

Polymer banknotes

In terms of note validation, polymer banknotes pose no additional issues and note validators will accept and stack as normal.


By utilising polymer, UK banknotes can take advantage of improved security and durability measures. Evidence points to lower counterfeiting risks and overall higher security, as polymer allows additional security measures to be added, which is another boost for the industry. Polymer banknotes should be more pleasant to handle as they stay cleaner and are more durable, with an average life expectancy of more than 2.5 times that of the existing UK paper notes.


Polymer banknotes are manufactured from transparent plastic film, specially coated with the ink layer that enables it to carry the printed design features of banknotes. The materials allow the inclusion of ‘windows’ or clear portions in the design, which enhance protection against counterfeits.


The First note that could be polymer is the £5 Winston Churchill due in 2016 followed by the £10 Jane Austen, these notes may be smaller than what we currently have but probably no smaller than existing Euro’s. Despite the visible material change the UK polymer banknotes will retain their overall look.


Over 20 countries currently issue polymer banknotes. These include Australia, which introduced them in 1988, New Zealand, Mexico, Singapore, Canada and Fiji which introduced them in 2013.

ITL validators would not require any hardware modifications to accept the new polymer banknotes. The only update required would be a free currency firmware update to incorporate the new polymer banknote data. Customers across the Industry would face minimal disruption if the introduction of polymer banknotes goes ahead.


Published in FAQ
Montag, 21 July 2014 14:17

Expansions in Spain for ITL

We are pleased to welcome two new members of staff to our expanding team in Barcelona; Raul Clemente, Mechanical Engineer, and Eduardo Rodriguez, Electronics Engineer. The two new additions signal the formation of a new Spanish Development Team that will initially design products solely for the Spanish and Southern European Markets.
Eduardo joined the ITL team in April, having previously worked as an Electrical Engineer for a large manufacturer in Spain. Despite his recent employment, Eduardo’s primary background lies in telecommunications where he has spent the vast majority of his professional career. 
Raul has completed a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and has since worked in Project Engineering for several years prior to joining the ITL team in May.
Development Manager John Robinson commented, “Both Raul and Eduardo bring extensive knowledge with them in their respective expertise. We have been looking to expand our Development Team in Europe and these appointments provide our team with the capacity to further investigate the Southern European Market.”
It has been a year of growth for ITL with these expansions in Spain, a state of the art office facility at the UK Head Office and an additional 2272 m2 at their manufacturing site in China.

Nuevas incorporaciones en ITL en España


Innovative Technology Ltd da la bienvenida a dos nuevos miembros del personal de su plantilla en Barcelona que sigue en expansión; Raúl Clemente, Ingeniero Mecánico, y Eduardo Rodríguez, Ingeniero electrónico. Las dos nuevas incorporaciones dan el pistoletazo de salida a la formación de un nuevo equipo de desarrollo en España que inicialmente diseñará productos exclusivamente para el mercado español y del sur de Europa.


Eduardo se unió al equipo de ITL en abril, después de haber trabajado como ingeniero eléctrico para un gran fabricante en España. A parte de su último trabajo, anteriormente Eduardo había trabajado en empresas del ámbito de las telecomunicaciones, donde ha pasado la mayor parte de su carrera profesional.


Raúl ha completado un Máster en Ingeniería Industrial y desde entonces ha trabajado varios años en Ingeniería de Proyectos antes de unirse en mayo al equipo de ITL.

El Gerente de Investigación y Desarrollo John Robinson, nos comenta: "Tanto Raúl como Eduardo nos aportan una amplia experiencia en sus respectivas áreas de conocimiento. Hemos estado buscando expandir nuestro equipo de desarrollo en Europa y estas nuevas incorporaciones a nuestro equipo nos dan la capacidad de investigar más en profundidad el mercado del sur de Europa".


El año pasado Innovative Technology amplió las oficinas centrales en Oldham, a la vez que añadió otros 2.272 metros cuadrados a su fábrica de China, esto sumado a la expansión del equipo de España nos ofrece muy buenas sensaciones y ayuda a consolidar los planes de expansión que ITL tiene para los próximos años, crecimiento que se basa en los logros conseguidos durante los últimos años.

Published in News
Sonntag, 20 July 2014 00:00

ITL's European Sales Staff

ITL’s European sales staff were in Hamburg on Friday for the second 2014 Quarterly European Sales Meeting.

Group Sales Director, Mustapha Hadj-Ahmed commented” The sales meeting provided the perfect opportunity to reflect on our recent successes and plan for the future. 2014 has been a very successful year so far for us with a Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade and being named the 13th fastest growing private company in Britain. With our European Sales Teams spread across a number of different offices it is important to bring everyone together to analyse our current market position and update our ongoing future sales strategy to ensure we remain one of the market leaders in the cash handling industry.”

Published in News

The increasing staff numbers at ITL show no signs of slowing down with 8 new permanent staff having joined the company during May and June as well as 13 summer placement students.


Karen Holloren, Recruitment Coordinator commented “Over the last two months we’ve had staff join our Electronics, Design & Marketing Departments, including a number of new Graduate Positions. In total 22 permanent new starters people have joined ITL in the first half of the year.”


Karen continued, “This summer as in previous years we have opened our doors to the friends and family of employees to allow a number of young people to join us for a few weeks during their summer holidays. This year we have 13 young people gaining work experience in a number of different areas of the business including operations, IT and test. It is a great opportunity for the young people to undertake real work experience and earn some money too.”


June was a month of celebrations for ITL with a visit from the Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester to officially present the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade 2014 at a party for their European staff and a trip to the Savoy London for the Profit Track 100 National Awards Dinner to collect the award for the 13th fastest growing private company in Britain.


For more information on the worldwide career opportunities currently available with Innovative Technology please visit www.innovative-technology.co.uk/careers.


New starters during May & June 2014

Kelvyn Shaw, Electronics Design Engineer

Chris Hyde, Design Engineer

Clive Williams, IT Manager

Jonathan Nadin, Graduate Electronics Engineer

Jean Gilbert Nzeye, Graduate Electronics Engineer

Michael Tillson, Graduate Design Engineer

Mia Harding, Graduate Marketing Assistant

Ahmed Bale, IT Software Technician

13 Summer Placement Students




Published in News

IN THIS BULLETIN: DA3 firmware 1.15 released, DPS - Device Programming System 1.1.4, NV9 USB+, SMART Hopper - Product Change Notification



Published in Technical Bulletins
Mittwoch, 09 July 2014 13:54

I know what you did last summer...

I know what you did last summer ... The latest ITL Working Life Blog is now available at http://itlblog.wordpress.com/

Hear from Recruitment Coordinator Karen Holloren following a busy few months including a number of graduate careers fairs, several new starters and the start of 13 summer placements.


... June was an extremely busy month for Recruitment with 3 graduate careers fairs in Leeds, Manchester & Liverpool. I’m always impressed with the organisation and planning that goes into the fairs; the universities careers services do a really good job, we don’t really have to do anything other than turn up and set up. The nice environments and excellent facilities, as well as helpers on the day, mean that we can focus on talking to students about our company and the opportunities we have ...


Visit the ITL Blog site to read more http://itlblog.wordpress.com/

Published in News